Prayer for the Week

Raccolta #520
Angelic Doctor, Saint Thomas, prince of
theologians and model of philosophers, bright
ornament of the Christian world, light of the Church
and patron of all Catholic schools, who dist learn
wisdom without guile and dost communicate it
without envy, pray for us to the Son of God who is
Wisdom itself, that, by the coming of the Spirit of
Wisdom upon us, we may clearly understand that
which thou didst teach, and, by imitating thee, may
bring to completion that which thou didst do; that
we may be made partakers both of thy doctrine and
thy holiness, whereby thou didst shine on earth
even as the sun; and finally that we may enjoy with
thee in heaven for evermore the most delectable
fruits of the same, praising together with thee divine
Wisdom through endless ages. Amen.
An indulgence of 300 days, once a day. A plenary indulgence
once a month, on the usual conditions, when this prayer is said
daily with devotion.