Our Lady of Guadalupe’s Final Words to Juan Diego


She said, “Least of my sons, what is the matter?”
And as if to make light of his embarrassment he answered at
first: “My dear child, my Lady! Why are you up so early? Are you
well?” But then (and how breathless the words must have
sounded), “Forgive me! My uncle is dying of cocolistle and
desires me to fetch a priest to give him the Last Sacraments. It was
no heedless promise I made to meet you yesterday morning and
take the Bishop the sign you intended to send him. But my uncle
fell ill.”
The Blessed Virgin said: “My little son. Do not be distressed
and afraid. Am I not here who am your Mother? Are you not
under my shadow and protection? Your uncle will not die at this
time. This very moment his health is restored. There is no reason
now for the errand you set out on, and you can peacefully attend to
mine. Go up to the top of the hill; cut the flowers that are growing
there and bring them to me.”
No flowers could be in bloom on the frozen hill. Nor could
Juan’s uncle be healed of his wasting sickness and be, all in one
moment, perfectly well. But Juan did not question the Blessed
Virgin’s words…Castilian roses—exotic, impossible—were
growing on the hilltop.…she said, “You see, little son, this is the
sign I am sending to the Bishop. Tell him that now he has his sign,
he should build the temple I desire in this place. Do not let anyone
but him see what you are carrying. Hold both sides until you are in
his presence and have already told him how I intercepted you on
your way to fetch a priest to give the Last Sacraments to your
uncle, how I assured you he was perfectly healed and sent you up
to cut these roses, and myself arranged them like this. Remember,
little son, that you are my trusted ambassador, and this time the
Bishop will believe all that you tell him.”
A Woman Clothed with the Sun, pgs. 49-50