Spiritual Thought for the Week Perfection

I hear speak of nothing but perfection, but I see it
practiced by just a few. Each pictures perfection in
his own way. Some see it in simplicity of dress,
some in austerity, some in almsgiving, some in the
frequenting of the Sacraments; others see it in
prayers, others in passive contemplation, and still
others in those freely-given or gratuitous graces—
but they all err, taking the effects for the cause and
the means for the end. I, for my part, know of no
other perfection than that of loving God with one’s
whole heart and one’s neighbor as oneself. He who
conceives any other type of perfection deceives
himself, because the accumulation of all the other
virtues without this love is nothing but the
amassing of stones. And if we do not immediately
and perfectly enjoy this treasure of holy love, it is
our own fault, because we are too parsimonious
and hesitant with God, and we do not give
ourselves entirely to Him as did the Saints.
~ St. Francis de Sales
From this holy thought, who does not realize that St.
Francis de Sales’ perfection could not help but be real
and very sublime, when his love of God and neighbor
was so holy and so pure? The same can be said of St.
Vincent de Paul.
St. Mary Magdalene de Pazzi was truly admirable in
these two virtues. She acquired such a great love of God
and neighbor that she labored more for the latter’s good
than for her own. Spiritual Diary, pg. 11