Mark your calendars for the last weekend of July (July 30
– August 1) for the annual St. Mechtilde Music
Festival at Our Lady of the Snow parish in Denver,
Colorado. It’s been a success each time, but more
attendees can definitely be accommodated! There
will be voice coaching and training by music
professors, learning of new hymns, chants and
Masses, a great opportunity to meet fellow
traditional Catholics from other parts of the country
who love good music, and nightly “open mike”
sessions (be ready to perform your favorite solo,
choral, or instrumental piece)! Fr. Casimir will be
there to help coordinate the weekend activities.
Hope you can come! You must register online at, or you may
send in registration and payment by mail. Be sure to
view Our Lady of the Snow parish choir at
Besides parish choir recordings, it contains
recordings from past Music Festivals too