Universally known as the “Curé de Ars,” St. John M. Vianney
was ordained a priest in 1815. Three years later he was made a parish
priest of Ars, a remote French hamlet, where his reputation as a
confessor and director of souls made him known throughout the
Christian world. A few years after he went to Ars. He founded a sort of
orphanage for destitute girls. It was called “The Providence” and was
the model of similar institutions established later all over France. John
Marie himself instructed the children in the catechism, and these
catechetical instructions came to be so popular that at last they were
given every day in in the church to large crowds.
Accustomed to the most severe austerities, beleaguered by
swarms of penitents, and besieged by the devil, this great mystic
manifested imperturbable patience. He was a wonder-worker loved by
the crowds, but he retained a childlike simplicity, and he remains to
this day the living image of the priest after the Heart of Christ.
He heard confessions of people from all over the world for
sixteen hours each day. His life was filled with works of charity and
love. It is reported that the staunchest of sinners were converted at his
mere word. He died on August 4, 1859, and was canonized on May 31,
1925 by Pope Pius XI.
The miracles recorded by his biographers are of three classes:
1. The obtaining of money for his charities and food for his orphans;
2. Supernatural knowledge of the past and future;
3. Healing the sick, especially children.
PRAYERS: Almighty and merciful God, in St. John Vianney You have
given us a Priest who was outstanding in pastoral zeal. Through his
intercession help us to win men for Christ and together with them attain
eternal glory. Amen. Lives of the Saints, pgs. 322-323 &