This feast dates back to the 7th century, and the
occasion of its introduction was the conversion of the
ancient Pantheon at Rome into a Christian church. This
famous temple which possibly existed in the time of the
republic, is generally considered to have been built by
Marcus Agrippa in his third consulate in the year 27 B.C.,
but it is not improbable that he merely restored and added
to it. Historians do not agree as to the origin of its name,
but Pliny tells us that Agrippa dedicated it to Jupiter the
Avenger. It was afterward repaired by Septimus Severus
and his son Caracalla.
In the beginning of the 7th century, the Emperor
Phocas gave it to Pope Boniface IV, who converted it into
a church and dedicated it to the Blessed Virgin and all the
saints, about the year 608. The feast of this dedication was
kept on May 13th, and before that event the feast of all the
Apostles had been celebrated on the 1st of the same month.
About the year 731, Pope Gregory III consecrated a
chapel in St. Peter’s Church in honor of all the saints, and
since then the feast of All Saints has been celebrated in
Rome. Gregory IV going to France in 837, greatly
encouraged the celebration of this feast in that country.
The Greeks celebrate the Feast of All Saints on the
Sunday after Pentecost.
PRAYER: Almighty and everlasting God, who have granted us
to venerate in one solemn feast the merits of all Thy saints, we
beseech Thee, that, since so many are praying for us, Thou
would pour forth upon us the desired abundance of Thy mercy.
Amen. Lives of the Saints, pages 417-428