The Turks invaded the German Empire in 1683, while
Mohammed IV ruled in Constantinople. A mighty Moslem
army marched through Hungary and Austria, until it came
in sight of Vienna. To their disgrace, it must be said that
Christians had provoked the infidels to this attack. Yielding
to the entreaties of his generals, Leopold I left Vienna
together with the Empress. The Turkish army of 150,000
men, reinforced by 40,000 Hungarians who were in
rebellion against the Emperor, laid siege to the capital from
July 14th to September 12th
Pope Innocent IX and John Sobieski, King of Poland,
had entered into a league to support the Emperor against the
common enemy. Therefore, as soon as Sobieski heard of
the siege, he at once made ready to march to the relief of
the besieged. On September 11th the Christian army took up
its position on the mountains near Vienna.
On the next day Sobieski, placing himself under the
patronage of the Blessed Virgin Mary, attacked the enemy
and the Turks were completely routed. Vienna and
Christendom were saved. In commemoration of this
victory, Innocent XI instituted the feast of the Holy Name
of Mary, that on it the faithful may recommend to God,
through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin, the
necessities of the Church and return Him thanks for His
protection. Lives of the Saints, Pages 358-359
Grant, we beseech Thee, almighty God, that Thy faithful
people who rejoice in the invocation and protection of the
Most Holy Virgin Mary, may, by her loving intercession,
be delivered from all evils on earth and deserve to enter into
everlasting joys in heaven. Amen.