Please note the dress code, as printed on the back of the bulletin. In particular, we urge men to wear a dress shirt and tie, along with a suit coat or blazer. Women, likewise, should not only always dress modestly, but remember that on Sundays we should wear our “Sunday Best.”
Let us continue, especially this month, to do all we can to help the souls in purgatory by our prayers, sacrifices, and gaining of indulgences.
for needy families will once again be provided by our parish this Thanksgiving. Donations of non-perishable food items may be placed in the boxes provided in the vestibule. Monetary donations should be placed in the Sunday collection in a clearly marked envelope. Monday, Nov. 20, is the deadline for submitting donations of food or money.
There will be a parish board meeting this Sat., Nov. 18, at 3:00 pm in the seminary classroom. All parishioners are welcome to attend.
Please be sure to keep the entrance to the cemetery road clear so that parishioners can visit the cemetery. Do not park in such a way as to block access to the cemetery road.
A plenary indulgence is available on each of the 5 Sundays immediately preceding Our Lady’s feastday (December 12), by praying before her image exposed in the church. Today is the first of these 5 Sundays.
There will be a breakfast next Sunday after each Mass for the support of the seminary. See the flyer in the vestibule for details. We welcome help from parishioners who want to donate desserts to the breakfast. Also, if you wish to order Thanksgiving pies, please fill out an order form and leave it with us no later than Tuesday of this week. The pies will be available after Mass next Sunday.