Please note that when the priest turns off the light over his confessional door, confessions are ended. No one should enter the confessional if the light over the priest’s door is off.
If you bring small children to the Communion rail during the distribution of Holy Communion, please do not allow them to stand on the kneeling pad. They should either kneel or they may stand on the floor by your side. Also, please make sure the priest (especially visiting priest) is aware of which children may not receive Holy Communion.
will be next Sunday after the 9:00 Mass
There is a sign-up sheet in the vestibule for the parish guilds. There is also an information sheet that explains the tasks fulfilled by the guild members. If you are able to do so, please use the sign-up sheet to volunteer for one of these guilds.
Please note the dress code, as printed on the back of the bulletin. In particular, we urge men to wear a dress shirt and tie, along with a suit coat or blazer. Women, likewise, should not only always dress modestly, but remember that on Sundays we should wear our “Sunday Best.”
We will begin a new series of doctrine classes for adults this week. This year’s topic will be on the heresies that have afflicted the Church throughout history. The classes are normally held twice a month. This week’s class will be on Wed., Sept. 27, at 7:00 pm in the seminary classroom.
The latest issue of The Reign of Mary is now available for purchase, for those who are not subscribers.