There will be a breakfast after the 9:00 am Mass this morning for the support of our school. Please be generous in supporting the work of Catholic education. You may also support the school by enclosing a donation using the green envelopes in the pews and placing it in the collection basket.


is a practice begun by Father Mateo and which we observe here at MIQ Parish. If you would like to participate, please use the sign-up sheet in the vestibule for this purpose. If you need a Holy Hour
booklet, we will provide one free of charge.


We are now completely caught up on all Mass stipends and are able to accept more stipends (If you have not seen your Mass request listed in the bulletin, keep in mind that some of the intentions are offered in private Masses.) For the time being, there will be no limit on the number of stipends you may submit.


If you bring small children to the Communion rail during the distribution of Holy Communion, please do not allow them to stand on the kneeling pad. They should either kneel or they may stand on the floor by your side. Also, please make sure the priest (especially visiting priest) is aware of which children may not receive Holy Communion. Also, please make sure that small children are not standing on the kneeling pad.